Metro North Hospital and Health Service (Metro North) is committed to ensuring the privacy, security, accuracy, and integrity of personal information regarding all patients and individuals and agents associated with receiving or providing Metro North services. To protect your personal information, Queensland Health staff must follow the privacy principles contained in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) Staff are also bound by Part 7 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) Your personal Information is being collected by way of this form to provide you with oral health services. The personal Information provided by you will be securely stored and made available to appropriately authorised staff of Queensland Health.
Your personal information may also be disclosed to health practitioners who have in the past or will provide you with care or treatment, to staff of Queensland Health for the purpose of conducting assessment of the services provided to you or otherwise for the purpose relating to providing you with public sector health services. Personal information recorded on this form will not be used or disclosed to other parties without your consent, unless authorised or required by law.
By ticking the box, I consent to Metro North Oral Health Service (MNOHS) collecting and using the information supplied while offering and providing dental treatment. I acknowledge that I have legal capacity to consent to treatment being provided for the patient whose details are recorded on this form. I acknowledge, understand and consent to the data being stored on the Snapforms Platform (as a Certified Cloud Service) which may include storage held within Australia. All information will be treated confidentially and only used for the purposes outlined above.
For information about how Queensland Health protects your personal information or learn about your right to access your own personal information, please see our website at